Chair of Public Law, Public Finance and Tax Law

Prof. Dr. iur. utr. Ulrich Palm 

We welcome you to the Chair of Public Law, Public Finance and Tax Law of the University of Hohenheim. 

The chair is assigned to the Department of Law and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. It offers public legal and tax courses in the economic Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. 

The research at the Institute focuses on constitutional, fiscal, financial and legal problems and questions of the european law. In addition, monetary law, economic administrative law and legal theory tests are an other focus of the chair. 

More information about the department, the curriculum and research activities are on the dark blue highlighted bar above available. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us. Our contact details can be found in the right column above.

With kind regards,

Prof. Dr. iur. utr. Ulrich Palm with all the employees of the department