Profit Taxation Law

Gerneral information

Persons:Prof. Dr. jur. Ulrich Palm
Course type:lecture with exercise
Cumulated ECTS:6
Weekly hours per semester:3
Duration of module:1 semester
Frequency of offer:each winter semester
Assessment:written test



Profit taxes are taxes that relate to the increase in assets during the taxable period. They include income tax, corporation tax and trade tax and are of considerable importance in tax practice. The lecture deals with the structures and principles of these taxes, presenting them in their systematic context and highlighting their differences. Students are to acquire the ability to assess the influence of these tax types on entrepreneurial decisions and estimate the profit tax burden of companies in Germany In an accompanying course, the content of the lecture is applied in practice based on relevant cases.



Birk/Desens/Tappe, Steuerrecht (current edition)

Tipke/Lang, Steuerrecht (current edition)


Further readings will be announced in the lecture.