Constitutional and Administrative Fundamentals

General information

Persons:Prof. Dr. jur. Ulrich Palm
Course type:lecture with exercise
Cumulated ECTS:6
Weekly hours per semester:3
Duration of module:1 semester
Frequency of offer:each winter semester
Assessment:written test



The legal system has a major influence on economic structures and processes. It determines and guarantees the fundamental economic freedoms of market players and provides the framework within which individuals and companies may pursue economic activities. Basic knowledge of the legal system is therefore indispensable for economists to be able to make efficient decisions. The lecture “Fundamentals of Public Law” provides an introduction to constitutional and administrative law. It deals with the relationship between the state and private economic entities. The lecture presents the structural principles of the Basic Law, the organization of the state, the legal forms of action and regulatory mechanisms of the state, the functions of the state organs and basic economic rights. In addition, the lecture provides basic knowledge of administrative law. One focus is on the teaching of administrative acts and the options for legal protection available to citizens and enterprises. Finally, the lecture introduces students to European law, which has a significant influence on our legal system. In an accompanying course, the content of the lecture is applied in practice based on relevant cases.


Will be announced in the lecture.